Dousing for Dummies : methods for raising public awareness of ambient communications
In this paper, we present a series of methods developed by the artist, Michelle Teran, for raising awareness
ofinvisible spaces created by public wireless communication technologies. These methods include public performance, w here
participation is through a series of walks through the city, and workshops where participants engage in the design implications
through a process oflocating, examining and documenting some ofthese invisible networks. Overall, we explore methods and
strategies for engaging the public, how to create awareness ofthe limitations oftheir perception of communications technologies
and techniques that facilitate the debate on the opportunities that these invisible yet rich in meaning invisible spaces might
Teran, M., Chorianopoulos, K., Willis, K.S., and Colini, L. 2006. Dousing for Dummies : methods for raising public awareness of ambient communications. Adjunct Proceedings of British Human Computer Interaction conference 2006, 11-15 September 2006, London., 1–3.BibTeX
Teran, M., Chorianopoulos, K., Willis, K.S., and Colini, L. 2006. Dousing for Dummies : methods for raising public awareness of ambient communications. Adjunct Proceedings of British Human Computer Interaction conference 2006, 11-15 September 2006, London., 1–3.