Pedal Tanks A Multiplayer Exergame Based on Teamwork and Competition
This installation presents a multiplayer stationary bicycle exergame for four players. The game is played in
teams of two, where the players compete to outmaneuver the opposition. Pedal Tanks is being developed to increase the physical
activity levels of people struggling to find motivation to exercise. Inspiration for the gameplay has been found in the
computer game industry, using elements from contemporary popular computer games and combining them in a cohesive way yields an
exergame that is both familiar and engaging. Both the software and hardware used has been custom-made to create an immersive
experience where the user forgets that he/she is exercising while playing.
Hagen, K., Weie, S., Chorianopoulos, K., Wang, A.I., and Jaccheri, L. 2015. Pedal Tanks A Multiplayer Exergame Based on Teamwork and Competition. ICEC 2015, Springer.BibTeX
Hagen, K., Weie, S., Chorianopoulos, K., Wang, A.I., and Jaccheri, L. 2015. Pedal Tanks A Multiplayer Exergame Based on Teamwork and Competition. ICEC 2015, Springer.