Previous research on the social impact of communication technologies has followed two distinct directions and has considered independently either the interpersonal communication or the mass communication. In this context, the human–computer interaction aspects of integrated media and social communication are examined. The design of Social TV systems that support interpersonal communication, which is motivated by mass media consumption and which takes place within colocated groups or over distance, is explored. In terms of the temporal dimension, Social TV might be synchronous, which happens in real time, or asynchronous, which happens with a time difference. This article provides an overview of research findings and outlines evaluation methods and user requirements for usability and sociability in interactive TV.


Chorianopoulos, K. and Lekakos, G. 2008. Introduction to Social TV: Enhancing the Shared Experience with Interactive TV. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 24, 2, 113–120.   BibTeX