The digital set-top box as a virtual channel provider
This research is based on the realization that the desktop computing paradigm is not appropriate for
television, because it is adapted to fundamentally different user aspirations and activities. Instead, the virtual channel is a
model that aids the organization and dynamic presentation of digital television programming from a combination of live
broadcasts, prerecorded content and Internet resources at each set-top box. The goal is to design the respective framework of
user interface patterns that consider the affective nature of television usability and facilitate the diversity of viewing
Chorianopoulos, K. 2003. The digital set-top box as a virtual channel provider. CHI ’03 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (CHI ’03), ACM Press, 666–667.BibTeX
Chorianopoulos, K. 2003. The digital set-top box as a virtual channel provider. CHI ’03 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (CHI ’03), ACM Press, 666–667.