In this article, we suggest that the use of software applications has already provided a perpetually robust solution to the problem of work, employment, and jobs. We assume that basic human needs (food, shelter, security) have been fulfilled and we aim to address self-actualization. For this purpose, we employ social phenomenol- ogy theory and we regard human actions and beliefs as a malleable inter-subjective reality. In particular, we focus on the genre of office productivity software and we provide a case study on Computer- Aided Design (CAD) software. We demonstrate how the work of the architect has gradually morphed from a skillful, embodied, and en- acted activity into mere symbol manipulation that can be performed by unskilled humans. We suggest that this finding can be generalized to the majority of software applications that have a similar workflow, which includes editing of content and sharing it with other human beings, in a self- reinforcing cycle. These findings have significant im- plications for policy, education, and spirituality, which are malleable and could shape human needs in alignment with any goal that we consider as good.


Chorianopoulos, K. 2019. Softwork: What are humans useful for? Proceedings of the Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC) Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology, Ionian University, 5.   BibTeX