Although digital storytelling bears significant benefits for older users, much remains to be explored regarding their psychosocial attributes that could affect technology acceptance. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is one of the most influential theoretical frameworks in the field and since its first introduction, there have been numerous studies upon its potential modifications throughout different cultures. Based on three factors that have been extensively depicted in age-related literature (chronological age, loneliness, and future time perspective), in this research, we designed a TAM extension in order to gain insights on the elements that influence Greek older adults’ intentions to use online storytelling applications. Through a quantitative approach, we evaluated the proposed model with data collected from 112 participants. Due to our results, TAM has been validated as a robust model, future time perspective had a positive influence on perceived ease of use, while age and loneliness had no statistically significant effect.


Alexandrakis, D., Chorianopoulos, K., and Tselios, N. 2020. Older Adults and Web 2.0 Storytelling Technologies: Probing the Technology Acceptance Model through an Age-related Perspective. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–13.   BibTeX